Zig Ziglar
The Wheel of Life
We all want to live a balanced life.
But what does that look like?
There's more to life than being effective at work.
At Ziglar, we believe in living a well-balanced life
and succeeding in every part of it,
including the Mental, Spiritual, Physical,
Family, Financial, Personal, and Career.
What does your Wheel of Life look like?
Is it round?
Do you have flat spots?
Do you have several spokes that need improvement?
The Ziglar Goal Setting System
The work of setting your goals will take time.
But the return on your investment of time is significant.
This resource, produced by Ziglar, Inc.,
will break down the steps necessary for you
to set your goals properly and effectively.
Takt the time and effort needed to work through this workbook.
You will be rewarded by time opened from your schedule,
and the satisfaction that comes from accomplishing your true goals.
You are not alone!
As a Ziglar Legacy Certified Trainer and Speaker,
and Choose to Win Coach,
David H Green has helped others
to identify and to accomplish their own goals.
We can help you, too!
We have a Goal Setting Program designed for your needs.
Our workshops range from a one-time meeting for one-on-one coaching,
to the very popular small group workshops for office staff,
and even a multi-day event for the highest achievers.
Not sure what you need?
Let's talk.
Zig Ziglar
2024 © David H Green, LLC. All Rights Reserved.